Understand how you can increase firm revenue without adding staff. Developing a year-round relationship with clients increases retention and provides a stronger relationship with customers outside seasonal tax and audit work. The problem becomes scaling your team to meet client demands. This course will evaluate how you can create a bookkeeping model without the headaches and overhead of adding staff, and for a variety of accounting software solutions including QuickBooks, Xero, Accounting Suite, Netsuite and Sage.
How outsourced white label bookkeeping services work
Create a billing model that is profitable for client accounting services
Cost savings analysis of in-house bookkeeping department model vs. outsource
William, MA
"These are worth watching"Martin, FL
"The program should be REQUIRED for an accounting or bookkeeping practice wtih a large write-up business"DeWan, MD
"I enjoyed the webinar, and look forward to experimenting with what I'ave learned."Lisa, OH
"The webinar is very imfortative"
(858) 483-2669
Max Emma, President and CEO is a Serial Entrepreneur specializing in founding and growing service businesses and is based in San Diego, CA. He has more than 15 years of corporate accounting and bookkeeping experience including serving in the International Accounting department at Qualcomm for four years. Most recently, Mr. Emma was the CEO of several service and construction companies, successfully managing 95 employees during his tenure at one of the construction firms. Max’s expertise lies in solving complex bookkeeping and accounting problems for start-ups and lower middle market business owners who need financial management techniques to ensure the profitability of the company. During his tenure as CEO, he brought a disciplined approach to accounting and bookkeeping, which enabled the business owners to have full transparency on the financial management of the company. Max Emma graduated with honors from San Diego State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance and a minor in history. He is a member of ProVisors, a business networking and referral organization, as well as National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers and American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers.