Some states are more complicated to do business in than others. They have more tax rules and exemptions and a host of policies that might seem wacky compared to the rest of the country. Hear our tax expert explain what makes these states unique and why you need to pay special attention to them.
Which states made the list…and why.
Strategies for doing business in them.
How to navigate complicated sales tax laws.
Vice President of U.S. Tax Policy and Government Relations
(615) 598-4337
Scott Peterson is Avalara’s Vice President of U.S. Tax Policy and Government Relations. Prior to Avalara, he was the first Executive Director of the Streamlined Sales Tax Governing Board—an organization devoted to making sales tax more straightforward and more uniform for the benefit of businesses. Scott also spent 10 years as the Director of the South Dakota Sales Tax Division and 12 years providing research and legal writing for the South Dakota Legislature.