
Gregory Bautista

Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP
(914) 872-7839

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As a member of Wilson Elser’s Data Privacy & Security breach response team, Greg effectively and efficiently handles data breaches while protecting clients’ reputations. He has overseen breach response for small and large organizations, including professional services firms, educational institutions, public utilities and nonprofit organizations. In addition, he collaborates with the firm’s Government Relations practice to help ensure compliance on the part of his clients and to advise them in investigations. Greg is a contributing editor to Wilson Elser’s ESI Case Law Update 2015, an annual compendium of cases dealing with issues and developments surrounding electronically stored information.

About Us: Nearly 800 attorneys strong, Wilson Elser serves clients of all sizes, across multiple industries. They have 29 strategically located offices in the United States and another in London. This depth and scale has made them one of the nation’s most influential law firms, ranked in the Am Law 200 and in the top 50 of the National Law Journal 350. Since their founding in 1978, Wilson Elser has forged a reputation as a formidable player in insurance coverage and defense. Their experience in this tightly regulated, cost-conscious industry has shaped a firm culture of accomplished professionalism and cost efficiency that delivers demonstrable value to clients. Today, Wilson Elser provides clients with full-service, first-class legal services, spanning the spectrum of litigation and related areas. They apply the discipline and diligence of effective litigation to virtually all areas of the law, drawing on a comprehensive roster of legal services to create multidisciplinary teams that give each client matter the best of the firm’s collective intelligence and capabilities.

Archived Webinars

Recorded Date May 3, 2016  Cost Free Presentation Length 1.0 hour  CPE: Not available (archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)  Subject Area Other  Course Level Basic      Who Should Attend CPA - small firm, CPA - medium firm, Other